Xdirector en


Automatic camera and video source manager

Xdirector allows you to automate the use of cameras within radio and television studios, optimising the use of specialised technical personnel. Xdirector commands are defined by users and can be called up via GPI (general purpose input), multichannel audio detect or manually. It is possible to manage and configure multiple presets, each of which is composed of one or more virtual controllers. The controller in turn is associated with inputs which determine its activation. Once started, Xdirector can send previously saved commands or manage the cameras automatically based on the defined settings.

Main interface

Xdirector shows in real time how the defined controllers alternate, showing for each the incoming audio level from the corresponding device (if in Audio mode) or the active GPI (if in GPIO mode), the waiting time for the controller activation and the list of commands associated with the controller.

Controller editor

Each controller can be associated with one or more HTTP commands to video mixers or ATEM switchers and scene switching to XautoTV. The user can manage after how long the controller
must be activated, the minimum time that must elapse between switching a controller and its release and the maximum time that a controller can keep after switching.

Technical features

  • Simultaneous sending of multiple HTTP commands and scene switching on XautoTV when a controller is activated.
  • Possibility of associating several commands to each single controller in order to activate a random one at each switching.
  • Activation of controllers via GPI.
  • Activation of controllers via audio peripheral and audio threshold in decibels to set the sensitivity of the audio detect.
  • Management of separate activation times for each command.
  • “MASTER” type controller which is activated when the input status does not refer to any other saved controller.
  • “OFF” type controller that activates in the absence of input.
  • Ability to create multiple controller presets and change the list of available controllers from the main interface.